Guide to Maintaining and Repairing Commercial Properties in Irvine, CA

Guide to Maintaining and Repairing Commercial Properties in Irvine, CA

With commercial spaces shifting from remote to in-office collaboration, businesses are returning to their offices in droves. As this occurs, maintenance and repairs in those spaces are about to skyrocket as people enact regular wear and tear on the buildings. Do you know what to do to keep your building in shape with a sudden uptick in use?

Read on to learn how to address common issues such as:

  • Roof and gutter repairs
  • HVAC system maintenance
  • Electrical and plumbing issues
  • Flooring and carpeting
  • Water pressure monitoring

By the end, you should have a set of actionable advice you can use to help you maintain your property and reduce possible complaints.

Common Maintenance Issues in Commercial Properties

Ensuring you stay up-to-date with the most common areas of commercial property upkeep will allow you to continue offering competitive rental prices to your tenants. As such, make sure you cut costs smartly and do not neglect the most critical areas of commercial building care:

Roof and Gutter Repairs

Conduct roof inspections once or twice yearly to discover any issues, such as leaks or missing shingles, before they cause bigger problems. Look for signs of sagging or uneven roof surfaces, as these could suggest structural damage underneath and cause bigger problems if left unresolved.

When you look at the gutter, make sure to remove any debris and ensure it is secure. This will prevent blogging, water overflow, or the gutter itself from coming loose.

HVAC System Maintenance

Change the HVAC filters every season, if not more often, to maintain good air quality in the building and ensure the system remains efficient. You should also schedule duct cleanings every year to prevent blocked air and remove debris or impacted dust.

It is also wise to get the HVAC systems professionally inspected before peak seasons. If you are unsure how to hire such a professional, you may want to contact an expert property manager in Irvine who can source repair services for businesses instead.

Electrical and Plumbing Problems

Make sure to inspect your property quarterly for electrical or plumbing issues and identify early signs of problems. Get an expert in to:

  • Check breaker panels
  • Inspect the plumbing for leaks
  • Replace aging wires
  • Ensure the building is up to code
  • Monitor the water pressure

These can all take a long time, but avoiding them can always lead to more significant issues.

Essential Maintenance and Repairs for Commercial Properties

Several other repairs will keep your property looking professional and ensure the safety of those using the area. Examples include:

  • Enact structural repairs when you discover cracks or damage
  • Inspect carpets and flooring to address trips and hazards
  • Freshly paint the exterior before Irvine's high-temperature months
  • Ensure adequate lighting for health and safety
  • Maintain the parking lot to avoid damage to vehicles or injuries

Ensuring You Have Property Expertise on Your Side

Keeping a commercial property in good condition does not need to be an overwhelming experience. If you find even these simple Irvine property maintenance tips are too much, you may need professional assistance to perform upkeep.

Contact PMI Orange County to discover how their property management process can help you stay on top of maintenance and repairs. They are your best allies when managing your investment portfolio and commercial properties. So why wait?
